Tuesday, April 18, 2006


So now im in the lovely city of Sendai, did I say lovely? oh i ment trashy. it seems the americans bombed the crap out of this city in WW2 and they had to start over again so they built nothing but shopping malls and shops. That and I think its school holidays here so the place is packed with people.
But the sakura (cherry blossums) are out. I got some photos. There was just a couple of trees in the park where i was walking today. Not overly spectaculr but at least found them.

Tomorrow im off to find a nice little place just up the road from here where its ment to be a big bay with islands and forest and no shopping malls and no flashing signs and no people. But knowing my luck itll be run over with tourists.

I think im begining to not like the citys of japan so much and prefer the quieter little towns..
Hmm... maybe the people are just starting to irritate me. Well, not the people, the CROWDS of people.

And mum, yeah i think i went through the tunnel, but i was asleep so i didnt realise. And its dissapointing the shinkansen (bullet trains) dont have a speedo in the carriages like i read... oh well.
I think the problem with crowds of people and acommodation is the fact that they get golden week off. And that golden week is different for every place, so at the moment its golden week where i am, but not everywhere else. And stop worrying that i wont be able to find a place to stay mum. Worse comes to worse ill jump on the slowest train and sleep there. Its free..


At 4:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi bro,
it all sounds great. You're making me anti-home sick. Only five weeks til WA. I bet mum is excited about the nutritious sounding beer happy meal. Keep having a great time,
from your bis sis.

At 1:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Glenny, I tried to post my message in japanese, but the characters didnt work (i just got boxes ちょっと), so i translated it into russian for you cause russia is close to japan.

This is the message in russian:
как раз вывешивая для того чтобы держать у счастливо * awww *. я имею 2 волдыря на моей руке от точить серии карандашей на внимательности праздника сегодня. Я увидел ледниковое временя 2 сегодня, он был гениален, очень более лучше чем первое, и я получили, что paid увидел его! Как хорошо то!!! То все для теперь.

This is the message in english
Hey Glenny,
Just posting to keep u happy *awww*. I have 2 blisters on my hand from sharpening lots of pencils at holiday care today. I saw Ice Age 2 today, it was brilliant, much better than the first, and I got paid to see it! How good is that!!! That's all for now.

and this is the message translated back to english from russian
Hey Glenny, exactly weighing in order to hold in happy * awww *. I have 2 blisters on my hand from to sharpen series of pencils on attentiveness of holiday today. I saw glacial vremenya 2 today, it was brilliant, very is more better than the first, and I obtained that paid saw it! As is good that!!! That are everything for now.

At 5:57 AM, Blogger Fish said...

haha.. in the part where you wrote "i just got boxes" after that i got the japanese characters for "chotto" meaning "a little".. coz on all these computers the text is in japanese.. so i have to guess what most buttons say.. :)
I think the message would hav been translated for me if you pasted it, its just that your particular PC couldnt recognise the characters... its not to say their not there

At 8:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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