Woah.. have i been asleep for a few days??
Well no i haven't, ive just been a bit sick (literally) and couldnt be bothered updating.But I'm still alive, don't worry Mum..
After Belgium we caught the train across the border into Heidelburg, Germany (aah! ze Germans!!) , which is a pretty little touristy town that has this great big castle on the hillside looking over the town.
Apparently this is the castle that "inspired the castle from cinderella", or snow white, or something like that, but im not sure what that means exactly, as this castle has half fallen down, and i couldnt see much of a resemblence to a disney castle..
But anyways its a nice little story that this town has to go by, much nicer than the hostel we stayed at... but thats another story.
So yesterday we packed our bags and caught the train up the Rhine to Colonge, or Köln or however its spelt.
Here there is a massive church right next to the main train station, and I mean massive.
Its the biggest roman catholic church in germany, or europe, or the world, im not quite sure what, but hey it must be the biggest church in colonge at least.
This thing is so big that it overshadows every other tourist attraction in the city, I mean, theres no other tourist attraction in the city but this church.
So after we climbed one of the church towers today, which is a fair way up ( 500 steps, not sure how many metres) weve pretty much done all there is to do in colonge, apart from visit more camping stores, and make more "nice smelling" jokes... Ha.. ha.. geddit? (Ill let you think about that one for a second..)
So... whats next on the angenda??? Hmm..
Tommorrow we are going to Bremen.
This is a town where they make Becks beer.. I will be sampling some.
Then we will be heading up to Hamburg and then North from there.. Perhaps, sweden?
hi glenn yes its dad. we went to koln when we were in germany about a100 years ago and yes the cathedral was there then just outside the bahnhoff it was at night and all lit up but it was freezing it was winter did you go and see belsen the concentration camp ihear its pretty expensive in sweden we suppose you will be going to stockholm first its good to hear from you about your exploits love mum and dad ps capitals will come later.
So jealous. What tough decisions to be having to make. I went to Heidelburg, that's where I got my teddy bear that wears ledderhosen and yodels when you squeeze it. So cultural. Yeah you should go to a concentration camp. I went to a good (meaning well preserved) one in Austria somewhere.
Nothing exciting is happening here. Keep up the updates.
glad you are having fun lots of man love from drum and bass.
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