Thursday, April 20, 2006

Now im in Nikko and its raining again.. :(

Well as i was travelling on the train today it started raining, a common occcurance i think for me now, so the lovelly walking tour of this old japanese city will have to wait for 2moro... or actually, as im writing this the weather has cleared up a little... i might be able to go this avro... hmm..

So yesterday afternoon i decided to do a load of washing, ok? so i went to the "Coin Raundary" (coin laundary) next door to the youth hostel i was at, right? so i put my stuff in the machine and, because i had spilled something on my jumper, i decided to wash that as well. I put money in the machine, put some washing powder in... and kazamm! It started to wash my clothes.

So I sat there for a while whilst the machine went through its buisness, and after a while it stopped..
Hmm.. I thought... maybe its finished. The light on the machine had also gone out, this too, suggesting it had compleated its wash cycle..
As i opened the machine a weird thought flew into my head.. "But it didnt do the spin cycle" (you know the final bit of the wash where it spins your clothes really fast so instead of being soaked they are only moderately damp?).

My thoughts wee confirmed as i picked out my dripping wet clothes from the machine..
oh crapp... i thought...

So what did i do??

I sat there for an hour or more, squeezing the water out of my clothes, and when i had finished, squeezed them some more, and then after one round through the spin dryer, they were nearly all dry. So then i went up to my room and created a make shift clothes line around the little heater in there, cranked the heater up to full, and went out to get some dinner.


At 10:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

こんにちは子供の人、私はちょうどsara からの日本語にメッセージを書きたいと思う
Translation: Hi Kid Man, i just want to write you a message in japanese. from sara

Retranslation: Today the person of the child, as for me we would like to write message on the Japanese from sara exactly,

I can't see myself getting over this too soon. Maybe i'll just post the re-translation and it can be like a riddle for you to try and guess what i originally wrote.

At 5:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said... ill leave u a comment in japenese--sjgksdgsdfms;dlm smgldafgl d dlgldgldfmkg..there u go...since uve left i think we have gotten bit too obsesed with rum..but thats a good thing..bye bye

At 11:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Glenn,
While I'm checking this a large load of laundry is going through the spin cycle and it's a sunny day- reminds me of when Heather was away and she wrote saying the thing she missed most about home was the washing machine.
Hope you got the walking tour in,
Love mum XOXO

At 7:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't remember saying that mum.
Oh, I might have said that when I was in Cornwall and thought the laundromat was charging too much so I put all the dirty clothes in the bathtub with some powder, and ran around in there for a while, sort of like an old French person stomping in a vat of grapes to make wine. It worked very well actually, so that's another option for next time Glenn.

Sara, how do translate things on the computer?

At 3:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

its stubs
ive been trying to find this site at and been wondering why its not working pretty dumb aye ! anyway i found ya, looks cool over there , whats the weirdest thing you have eaten ?
guess what i burnt cosyies hair kinda accidently with johnys stove lighter at work the other night and not just the hair it was the fringe ! whats the chances aye ! i think he is secretley planning some evil revenge sometime soon ? me and cos went to the rsl on friday and we have put a bet down for the next time were there $20 on pool , who will win ?
sianara stubbs


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