Saturday, June 17, 2006

Meine flasche bier ist leer.. (My beer bottle is empty)

Well Berlin will be coming to and end today as we are headed down to Munich tonite..

Its been great here though, just been chilling out at Luke and Mels's place doing not much at all.

I've bought a tent and other camping gear, and no, it wasn't for camping at Luke's house Sara, it's gonna be for Munich (Accomodation there is either expensive or booked up.)

So I'll be in the city somewhere for the game tomorrow, probably watching on a big screen or standing outside the stadium hoping that someone will have some spare tickets! (yeah right).

Camping will sure be an adventure, I've had to offload some more clothes with luke in order to fit my tent into my backpack!! -But hey, now I'm really gonna be living cheap.

I hope all of you back home stay up for the game tomorrow, the Aussies need you!! Woo!!


At 3:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Glenny-san,
maybe you will be lucky and dave will check his emails and find 3 tickets to sundays match, crossing my fingers for you.
where are the aussies going to play croatia at? Are you hanging around germany till then?
Whats Luke doing in Berlin?
I have sent some socceroo car flags to my buddies in germany, so they are flying high in support of the aussies! I will be sitting at home cheering them on from my loungeroom, hope you can become a true monkey boy and climb the stadium walls!
bonne chance!

At 2:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Glenn,
Saw on the tele last night the socceroo fans camping on the local playing fields in the town where the socceroos are based. Maybe that'll be you. Don't think I'll stay up but I might set the alarm and get up.
Our game this afternoon is also against Brazil (well the top team anyway), wish us luck!
Enjoy the game, Love mum XXOO

At 7:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you kick some ass margaret? hope you won!

At 12:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Glenn,
Saw the 2nd half of the game, I got up at 3am, but fortunately didn't have to work on Mon.
Have you still got your grandparents' addresses? I'm sure that they'd all like a postcard if you have.
Love mum XXOO
No Sara, we lost but gave a good fight, it was 2-1.

At 1:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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