Friday, June 30, 2006

You cant see Paris in a day...

So it took us guys 2.

But travelling with those boys is like the complete opposite to travelling with Dave and Tegan.. (hope you guys are travelling well and having a good time..)

The boys (pete, alex, nath and andrew sparkes, and smithy, dont plan anything (ie accomodation) go out every nite, and spend way too much money on drinking. (and cause way too much trouble)

Where as with dave and tegan we actually planned where we were going and tried to spend as little as possible.

As a result i think i have spent way too much money in this last week.

As a result I decided to split from those guys and come to luxemburg.

And luxemburg is really mind blowing. The land is a mixture of steep hills, large stone walls, huge arched stone bridges, a river running through the whole lot and various old style buildings everywhere.
I was actually more impressed in the five minute walk this morning (i only got here last nite), than the whole last two days in Paris...

So the end point is Im back to travelling on me own again, and im now in Luxemburg.
The next stop is undecided, but switzerland sounds nice..

Ill try to post more frequently.. (for mums sake. xox)

Later guys.


At 12:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Glenn,
Glad you got to one of Australia's games- if we'd known you were there we would've looked more at the crowd shots. Yes, Dad & I set the alarm and got up in the middle of the night again- he stayed up to watch Germany last night and looks a bit rough today.
Hope you enjoy Luxembourg, never been there but it's always sounded interesting.
I've got 2 weeks off now,&Dad's got another week. If we finish the deck extension soon we might hire the flamethrower soon and start getting your room ready to paint.
Enjoy travelling & look after yourself, Love Mum & Dad XXOO

At 11:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey stranger,
Forget penny-pinching with Dave & Teag's (that's no fun): spend big, indulge & get up to lots of mischief in true glenny style!
The sydney-scene misses you... take care buddy... Mel xxx

At 9:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you tasted a luxem-burger?

At 6:01 PM, Blogger div said...

funny post glenno! we are camping again and this place has a swiming pool! I think we had planned (teags planned) to go to Luxemburg earlier but ending up skipping that stop. Maybe that was a bad idea. There is just so much to see in this part of the world! If you get lonley you can meet up with us again in Switzerland for a bit. I think teags and I only have around a month of Eurail left :(


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