Tuesday, May 08, 2007

in response to saras q's

"Sanga said...

GLENNY! Please post something!

Are you:
still alive?

having fun?

in which place?

Have you:
married a french girl?

spent all your money?

got many scars from scratching chicken pox?

do you:

want to come hang with me in sydney cause i'm bored?

shower daily or have you gone all 'european' and shower once a week now?

know when you'll be coming back home?

Post something dammit, keep your mother happy ;)

10:54 PM"

here goes:







yes but no money to get there,

shower daily,

no idea.

- Yeah i know thats a lame post but i just cant think of what to write.

Ill do a good post tomorrow.


At 10:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

at least it is something...

At 3:33 PM, Blogger Sara said...

Thanks Glenny!!! You made my day!

I saw your mummy today and gave her a hug for you for mothers day :P She told me you replied to my questions on here, I notice she hasn't replied to your post despite reading it!

Brilliant work dude!

At 2:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe we need to try writing open questions that need more than a yes or no answer. Here are some questions designed to satisfy our curiosity and reassure your mother you are looking after yourself:

1) What is the nature of the businesss you are currently working for?
2) What are your roles at your new job?
3) Describe some of the interesting characters you are currently associating with.
4) What do you do in your free time?
5) By which mode of transport do you travel around London?
6) Describe some interesting places you have discovered in London.
7) List everything you eat (or drink)on an average day.
8) Get a white tissue. Wipe it behind your ear. What colour is it now?
[If you answered any colour except white, just say white to keep your mother happy, and get back in the shower.]

At 7:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Glenno,
I feel superfluous with H and Sara checking up on you (would you call it nagging?)Perhaps I should ring H and let her know that I know the answers to 1) and 2). Hope the job's going well,
Love and kisses, Mum XXOO


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