Monday, September 03, 2007

Hey all

I was gonna email some pictures to mum but i thought id just put them on here so everyone can have a gander.

Thats all..

Not much been happening in these parts.. cant think of anything interesting to say.

hope everyones doing fine wherever you are.


At 10:59 AM, Blogger Sara said...

Ok, good enough. I'll go post your awesome present tomorrow. Should arrive in time for your birthday... if I have money to send it...

At 1:07 PM, Blogger Sara said...

Fish, where the bloody hell are you?

At 9:29 AM, Blogger Sara said... fishy fishy fishy fishy, here fishy fishy fishy fishy, where are you fishy?

At 10:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Fish

Don't know if you remember us, but Marggie & I (Peter) used to come to Cranzgots most Wed nights with our dog (poodle) to enjoy your pizzas - the best. It looks like you are having a great time. Your adventures sound like an increadile experience and now you have found a lovely part of the UK. We were in France last year visiting our middle son, Alastair, who has worked and travelled around England, worked in Japan ski fileds and now is working on a boat in Juan les Pines. I'm jealous!!!! Anyway enjoy it while you have the op. We will be back in France later this year again.


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