Saturday, July 29, 2006


Ive excaped super expensive country (switzerland) and am now hoping to find some cheaper places so I dont have to run out of money and become a beggar.

But the weather has finally turned, meaning its raining today, first day it hasnt been 30 deg or hotter since I cant remember when..

Im in Salzburg, which is the home of the sound of music, and mozart. And apparently not much else because every touristy thing here seems to have something to do with the sound of music or mozart.

Can't say the towns that interresting, especially in bad weather, so I think I'll head to Vienna 2moro.

And I just checked my bank account then and its getting on the low side.. so It looks like im gonna have to collect bottles for a living.. (or work??!)


At 12:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Glenn,
'Work' sounds like a foreign concept, or you could do your tax return and live off your refund. All is well here, the painters are making great progress, they've heaped everything into the middle of your room and are working around it. Also the deck is finished, so the room will be rented out shortly.
Love Mum XXOO (don't believe He, we do miss you)

At 5:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Glenny, about an hour north of Salzburg there is a little town called Grunau, you get the train to Linz and then get a train to Grunau. its a beautful little place, it's got great skiing in winter, but in summer you can go rafting down the river and other stuff. I stayed in the hostel there, it's gorgeous, like a home away from home. Pretty cool place to chill out and relax, check it out if you're interested.

At 1:40 PM, Blogger div said...

Hey glenno. I just spoke with my mum and she wants more frequent updates ;P


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