Tuesday, July 11, 2006

What a crazy few days its been..

Well I decided to out in the town on Saturday night, and i ended up losing my wallet.

It took me till sunday to realise this, and by that time someone had already tried to use my credit card in a cash machine.

Lucky for me, all stores are closed on sundays in most european countries, so whoever it was couldnt use the credit card in a shop.

Well it took a while to cancel my cards, and then all of Monday was spent on the phone to VISA trying to get some emergency cash.

I finally got some money, (and got some food), but now ill have to wait in Bern in the camping site untill my replacement card arrives.


So its all good. Im just gonna have to stay put for a while.

I tried opening a Swiss bank account today but they said I needed 50,000 swiss francs. I said I didnt have that much. :(


At 10:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Glenn,
Glad to hear things are sorted= hope the new card arrives soon. It was good to hear you on the phone the other night.
I'm going away today, with grandma and Mari, coming back on Friday. We're going to Young (where G grew up) and visiting her old school friend.
Keep having a great time,
Love mum XXOO

At 6:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Glenny, I will donate $5 towards you getting a swiss back account. I wonder if you can get a loan for $50000, open a swiss bank account, then withdraw the money and pay back the loan, then you will still have a swiss bank account. How much does it cost for a safe deposit box? You could store all kinds of goodies in those, just like in movies... cash, fake passport, guns, etc etc. Hope Bern is a nice place!

At 2:10 PM, Blogger div said...

Hey dude. Glad to hear everything is sorted. We got your email yesterday but couldnt do anything to help. We went to the post office today about sending you some money but looks like you don't need it anymore. If you do though, just let us know and we will arrange some for you. It enables you to pick the money up from any post office for a small fee, you just need some id. You still have your passport right?

At 6:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Glenn, how come you didnt ask us for help? We have access to almost free telephone, internet, mobile phones. We've got an address you could have sent it all to. We can speak German.
Ahh well.
Hope you're good (now!)


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