Sunday, July 16, 2006

A Dave and a Tegan fell out of the sky..

Friday afternoon I was miding my own buisness doing not much at all when who should magically appear in the campsite... Dave and Tegan!! woo!

Theyve come to entertain me while im stuck here!


At 2:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Glenn,
Glad your friends dropped in. Hope the Visa card arrives today.
Grandma, Mari & I had a nice trip to Young- drove up Wed, stayed Thurs and drove back Fri. It was so cold on Wed night, -6, but fortunately we in a heated motel room. How's the mighty tent going?
I assume you're sleeping on the ground with no mattress, I bet that's a lot of fun. Keep that card secure when it arrives,
Love Mum XXOO

At 2:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gday mate,

Glad to hear the travels are still going well. Me and the Sparkes got home yesterday after spending a week at the running with bulls. No one died, although we had a few near misses. Alex has two weeks with his missus left over there and beck and boogs get back in 5 days, so we are almost all home again. You should have come up to Amsterdam with us, it got pretty messey, but as i saw you said we did spend lots more money and i think we would have drained your budget. Anyway ill keep looking for you posts, enjoy yourself. Pete.


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