Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Photo time again!

Munich: The Campsite.
ie. The land of Mordor
(mine is the light green tent on the left, Dave and Teags is the orange one on the right)

Munich: Fan Fest, Australia vs Brazil day.

On the Train to Kaiserslatern: Randomly meeting the lads.

Kaiserslatern: Australia vs Italy day. The reinforcements have arrived.

A bit later on: "Hey you wanna ticket?"

Look at those Aussies go!

Paris: a few days later.

This damm structure got in the way of my picture of some clouds.

And the sun sets over Parii.


At 2:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the campsite Glenn!

Vive la France!

At 2:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Glenn,
The campsite looks like a variation of the capsule hotel. I assume there's a toilet/shower block somewhere.
Are you still in Strassburg or have you moved on?
Love mumXXOO


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