Wednesday, August 30, 2006

The Bass and Drum

Well the DnB night on friday was well wikkid.

We got there at about midnight to find the place already packed, and realised that because theres so many good name DJ's on we'd missed about half of them.

But it was a stella night tho. 3 rooms of loud Dnb, there was no escaping it.
Beer prices ridiculously high (not that I bought any Mum).
4 pounds for a beer. 4 POUNDS! -thats $10. * choke*

Well not been doing much else but helping Dave with his house hunting. -But I think they've found a place now.

Hmm... what else. Some Gypseys are camping near us..

and now im just waiting on my PIN number to arrive. Should be here tomorrow or the next. After that I should be going up to Manchester to meet up with Dad.

Aaaghh Luke man... I think I'm going up to Manchester on Friday or sometime then. Won't be able to meet up with you in London I dont think. :(
I'll see what happens.


At 9:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Glenn,
Maybe a phone call to G&J before you go up to Manchester. Your Grandparents place might be a little full this weekend (G,J &GL are there for a wedding, and Kerris is also there, Gran & Grandad go away Sun night I think)and Mon morning G is picking Dad up from the airport and then are driving down to S Wales- I don't know if there's room in their car for you.
Hope the pin no. arrives soon,
Love Mum XXOO
Anything you want Dad to bring over for you ?

At 1:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Fish, Your adventure in Spain reminded me of very green young jonno in NZ 1975 turning up at a remote town at 11pm to find my school friend Mark who worked at the camping ground. Dad was to send money there so i could get home to Aust. Mark had left the day before. I had $2.50 and didn't know anyone in NZ with a permanent address. I lay in a cow paddock and cried. But i survived thanks to some hippies. On a brighter note, Allison came into Crannies on sat night about 6 to say (imagine the accent)"Try this Charles just made. It's a deep friiid jum sundwich, tastes jast lark a dooonut" Needless to say it made my day. Good luck man, Jonno

At 1:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Glenny,
I was having a chat to your mummy yesterday, and we were both wondering what Luke is up to in Berlin (Luke, you can answer this yourself if you are around...) How long has he been there? Is he working/studying? Just want the general goss :)
Anyway, come back to Australia, I miss you and Dave :( Last night I went to a friends 21st, and the party fell apart at midnight cause 95% of people wanted a good nights sleep before church on sunday!?! There were about 3 cases of beer for about 60 people... and there was still beer left at the end of the night! Then I got cornered by my friends room mate who asked me what church i go to, and when i said i dont go to church he got all obsessive and told me he felt sad etc, and I was literally backed into a corner with no escape!
I did manage to learn some fabulously inappropriate new jokes at the party, so there was a bonus to going after all :P

At 10:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey bro hope ur trip is goin ok now after what happened in barcelona and the plane
Steve irwin died today dude....
R.I.P Crocodile hunter!!!!
have fun!!!
fish is just bait...or is he just fishnets!

At 12:25 PM, Blogger div said...

Hey Glenno. Good to see you made it to Manchester. I'm till camping. Been having some cracker nights with Chris and Paul. That dude is so crazy.


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