Its been a while between posts...
Sorry about that..So, after salzberg i went to Veinna, it twas nice, but not great i think. It has been raining pretty solid this last week so ive been either confined to a tent or running around wet.
Then after veinna i went to graz, also in austria, then innsbruck and now ive travelled back to Zurich..
And why, do you ask, did i come back to Zurich?..
it was a crazy crazy day. i think there was 800,000 people in zurich all going mad.
Ill put some pictures up when i can re-charge my camera (i left the charger on the train- not good.)
Yes, i think the tent might become the new leisure lounge. yet somehow i dont see it floating quite as well..
Daveman, can i get emporer off you?? Noble house is too thick to carry :)
ok i have no time left
Will you be back this summer? We'll have to take the tents to the beach and line them up along the sand. I don't think mine is waterproof so i cant take it swimming. :(
I think the rangers would be on to us in about 5 seconds and impose some fat fines if we did that...
But it would be funny.
Hmm... what if there was a ... LEISURE TENT?
We could set our tents up on the sand. You just couldn't have it there over night. Ive seen heaps of tents at av beach. Only they are more your open to sun baking. But I dont think setting a tent up on av beach would be all that great. better we mission some where in a forest or a deserted beach along the coast
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