2 posts in one day! wow
haha, so all the cars youve ever had are from the tufts family hey heh?The matress inflates to about 3cm thick.. yay.
Hi tim.. i played that song you made to some germans and they reckoned it was the strangest song theyve ever heard.
Hi sara! keep on tenting!!
Hi Mels!
Hi Matt (TENT)
Hey ive finished that book already luke man.. was a bit dissapointed with the ending.
Hey cossie man. Nice to see your still drinking rum. keep up the good work.. I hear the rsl stays open till 3am now..
Hey Dave how long are you gonna be in London for? Im flying there on the 22nd August.
And Hi Mum and Dad.
I have nearly no money left :(
OK bye im off to Spain.
Hi Glenn,
Good to hear from you, we were beginning to wonder where you'd got to. You're room is looking very smart, a bit more paint and another couple of rubbish skips and it'll be ready to rent out.
Any plans once you get to London? Dad arrives on Mon 4th, and will probably go down to Wales with G &J who are Manchester that weekend (gran & grandad are away for a week).
Keep in touch, Love Mum & Dad XXOO
Hey mate.
Im still here.
pls tell me you will see a premier league game while you are there.
the new season starts this saturday..
Go Everton!
Glenno. Keep the posts coming mate.
Football is now the number one sport in Australia. I'm going to see Kuwait (a bunch of semi-professionals) play a second string Australian team in a sold out stadium tonight!. Better yet the a-league is selling masses of season tickets for the upcoming season. Also going sky diving this weekend!
(above post is from me (ross))
Set a record with three posts in one day... can it be done?
Hey Glenno. I got to London yesterday. It's bloody awesome dude. It reminds me alot of sydney, but bigger. Its very busness orientated and its made me want to work again. Though this seems like way to much work. I tried to setup a uk bank account today but you need a job before you can do this. And for jobs you need a bank account before you can apply. Bloody catch 22. I must beat the system though.... some how.
Its very expensive here though and im not sure If ill stick around until the 22nd. Ill see how I go.
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