Ive excaped super expensive country (switzerland) and am now hoping to find some cheaper places so I dont have to run out of money and become a beggar.
But the weather has finally turned, meaning its raining today, first day it hasnt been 30 deg or hotter since I cant remember when..
Im in Salzburg, which is the home of the sound of music, and mozart. And apparently not much else because every touristy thing here seems to have something to do with the sound of music or mozart.
Can't say the towns that interresting, especially in bad weather, so I think I'll head to Vienna 2moro.
And I just checked my bank account then and its getting on the low side.. so It looks like im gonna have to collect bottles for a living.. (or work??!)
So I got my PIN number and quick footed it out of Bern before I became too much of a local, and now im in Interlaken.
Nice place.. but very touristy, and not much to do unless you want to pay big money and go skydiving or parasailing, or something like that.
And i dont have the funds for that kinda thing, so today I went and walked up a mountain. It was pretty tough I can tell you that. Especially in 30 degree heat. It took about 4 hours but i made it.
Theres not much else to say really.. Im happy ive left Bern, and so now im guarding my wallet with my life.. :)
I've changed my mind
I hate Bern
(im still waiting for the bank to send my PIN number)
I think ill miss Bern.
Because ive stayed here the longest since ive left home.
Hopefully my card arrives today.. and i move to interlaken...
I think Bern has become my second home now :)
If anyone needs a guided tour... I charge reasonable rates :)
Keep on kicking on..
Hey Pete and crew... sorry I didnt contact you but I think you now realise why.. Spain would have been awesome...
A Dave and a Tegan fell out of the sky..
Friday afternoon I was miding my own buisness doing not much at all when who should magically appear in the campsite... Dave and Tegan!! woo!
Theyve come to entertain me while im stuck here!
Still stuck in Bern
Well im still here.. in the campsite.. waiting for my card.
Thanks for all your concern but I should be able to last on my emergency money. - Although i will still accept cash if your willing to send :)
Its freaking hot here, about 30 degrees every day. A few days ago it was 34!
Its like the Aussie summer.. At least theres a river here you can swim in.
Hey Dave, I bought the second Assassins apprentace book, "Royal Assassin", so dont go buying it.
And theres a 4 day festival going on just up the road from here. It looks pretty good except i dont have enough money to go. :( Looks like its jump the fence time! (or not)
What a crazy few days its been..
Well I decided to out in the town on Saturday night, and i ended up losing my wallet.
It took me till sunday to realise this, and by that time someone had already tried to use my credit card in a cash machine.
Lucky for me, all stores are closed on sundays in most european countries, so whoever it was couldnt use the credit card in a shop.
Well it took a while to cancel my cards, and then all of Monday was spent on the phone to VISA trying to get some emergency cash.
I finally got some money, (and got some food), but now ill have to wait in Bern in the camping site untill my replacement card arrives.
So its all good. Im just gonna have to stay put for a while.
I tried opening a Swiss bank account today but they said I needed 50,000 swiss francs. I said I didnt have that much. :(
Well I decided to jump across the border into Switzerland and I found myself in Bern.
Nice city, theres a big clock, and for some reason a big pit with some bears in there. Apparently the first creature that the guy who founded bern killed was a bear. So now they've stuck some in a concrete pit. Pretty mean if you ask me. Bern might also mean bear in swiss. Or german or whatever language they speak.
Its getting too hard with all these countries trying to keep up with the language changes. I've started to use a mixture of German, French and English. "Guten Tag, can I have a sandwich, si vous plats?"
Black forest cake..
Well I havent seen any as yet, but im guessing it must originate from around here somewhere.
Im in Freiburg, which is in the very south of germany, just on the edge of the black forest.
Nice little town though.
There's these open drains running down the sides of the roads, and i think at one point in time they must have been actual drains, but now there is just clean water pumping though them, and seeing as we had a really hot day yesterday, i think it was 32 degrees, there were lots of people sitting with their feet in the drains.
It was kinda strange..
So today I went for a bit of a hike in the black forest.
Photo time again!
Munich: The Campsite.
ie. The land of Mordor
(mine is the light green tent on the left, Dave and Teags is the orange one on the right)
Munich: Fan Fest, Australia vs Brazil day.
On the Train to Kaiserslatern: Randomly meeting the lads.
Kaiserslatern: Australia vs Italy day. The reinforcements have arrived.
A bit later on: "Hey you wanna ticket?"
Look at those Aussies go!
Paris: a few days later.
This damm structure got in the way of my picture of some clouds.
And the sun sets over Parii.
Im so happy Brazil lost!!!
Did anyone else see that game? It was awesome! And it serves those Brazilians right too.. All galavanting around all the time thinking that theyre great when they havent been playing well at all.. That mite shut up all those thousands of band-wagon supporters over here..
Viva la France!!
and go portugal! unlucky for england tho, but they havent been playing that well either...
im hoping a germany - portugal final.
Oh i paid 120 euro for my ticket which was pretty good i think considering that most people were selling for 200-300.
Yo Dave when are you guys going to Switzerland? I was gonna go there in a few days, I was thinking the black forest in Germany next, then down to Siwzzy for a few days, prolly be there on the 7th? and then maybee Italy, or catch the bull run in spain.
Anyway im now in strassburg, which is in France. Havent done much yet as i only arrived then and set up my tent.
Go the Mighty tent!! I stayed in a hostel 2 nites in Luxemburg and had 2 bad nights sleep because the room had no air-con.
The mighty tent needs no air-con!
(Although eating cold tinned food has its downsides)